It was a lot of fun reflecting back on this past decade on big life moments as well as how everything has led up to who I am today. I’m sure I’m forgetting some key moments and I’m sure there’s also some events that happened more recently that I don’t realize how important they are yet.
Overall there has been more positive moments then negative ones. I know this timeline is mostly a highlight real of my life, but there was definitely some stress and hardships along the way, mainly with college. Friends and family come first and a lot of friends were made over the past 10 years, and I’m happy to say most of them have all stuck. The last 3 or 4 years have been my favorite because I’ve done a lot more traveling and picked up some new hobbies: backpacking, climbing, and photography.
Now it’s time to start looking ahead. Some goals for the 20’s:
- Get married and start a family
- Travel a lot, hopefully to all of the continents in the next 10 years. (Yes, even Antarctica)
- Release 3 more albums, maybe play some live shows at some point
- Graduate and get my Masters in Aerospace Engineering. Get A job in robotics or aerospace engineering. Or Both!
- Move somewhere with big mountains nearby after graduation. Destinations high on my list are Colorado, San Francisco, and Seattle.
Knowing me and how often I change my interests I could see myself in a totally different career at the end of the 20’s. I’ll probably have some new hobbies as well. But I think all the goals above are attainable. It’ll be fun to look back at this post and see how everything panned out.